It's always hot here in South Miami.. With this Red Diamond Bikini you definitly will feel the heat. This Swim suit is available in 2 forms Bikini and Sexy 1 Piece.
Lushish Catz- Bikini & Swimsuit - Red Diamond
Glam Affair- Gio Dark - Arancio BL HB
Shape by Lushish Catz
{essences} Cat eyeliner
[ROCKBERRY] Eyes/Hazel
Poses - Diesel
*KL* Earring HeartsChainSlv
Ear Candy ~ E Taylor Diamond Bracelet
Eyelashes -16- Elemental *REDGRAVE*
Red Dried Blood Nails - Femme Fatale
.+*HS*+. Hair ::PEEK:: Brown
Model - kayshla Aristocrat