We know you all love a good hunt and there are a lot out there, but really non can get much better than the Femdom Hunt. As usual there are some great little gifts to pick up from over 70 locations, but also it is great fun and a good way of spending an evening with your friends.
I've even had a look around myself and seriously there are some really nice items to be picked up. To get the full details and hunt locations, please check out the Femdom blog at
http://femdomhunt.blogspot.com/ and just as a little taster of what you can expect, here is what you can expect to recieve from the Lushish Catz side of things.

As a big fan of heavy rock, I do love a little bit of leather, and I am sure I don't need to tell you how hard it can be to find a good full length leather coat. So come on girls, get your shoes on and your friends together and just have a really good eveing checking out some of the great stores involved in this amazing hunt, you won't be disappointed.
Some of the stores involved are of an Adult nature.