Saturday, November 16, 2013

Fat Pack Week

The Fat Pack Week
will re-open on November 17 ..
with many new features and super exclusive items!
other details coming soon
All new outfits by Lushish Catz - Mesh  outfits with texture/pattern hud changer

Friday, November 15, 2013

Leslie & Reina

Lushish Catz 2 new outfits Leslie and Reina available on Marketplace & in world.
Leslie is a leopard design print on a leather stud/spike mesh jacket that comes in 5 sizes with alpha layer. High waist shorts in mesh 5 sizes. Blouse comes in black with leopard trim and another blouse in leopard print with black trim. Jewelry includes - 3 hoop big earrings with a nose piercing. Shoes - high heel spikes in leather /leopard print.

Reina is a red design print on a leather stud/spike mesh jacket that comes in 5 sizes with alpha layer. High waist shorts in mesh 5 sizes. Blouse comes in black with red trim and another blouse in red print with black trim. Jewelry includes - 3 hoop big earrings with a nose piercing. Shoes - high heel spikes in leather /red print. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Lushish Catz *** New release*** Nina
This dress comes with Lola's tango, Lush and Phat azz appliers.

Monday, November 11, 2013

$10L Deal - THIS WEEK

Lushish Catz - Starting every day at 12 noon SL time this week Monday - Friday , Lushish Catz will set out an item for $10L. Some may be new releases and others from our collection. Group notice sent daily with the picture of the $10L deal. You must be wearing the group tag in order to purchase.  Group fee to join is $50L. This sale is 24 hrs only.
NO go backs. If you miss it .. then sale is over.

Monday - $10L deal Luana - with Appliers for Lola's Tango, Lush and Phat Azz
Sneak peak tomorrow sale - Tuesday @ 12 Noon