Saturday, February 4, 2017

Truth or Dare

Lushish Catz has new exclusives for the Truth or Dare Affair 2
starting on Feb 4th  noon SL time
Exclusives ::
Lushish Poses - Exclusive for the event can be seen here
Gacha set - Just  being Cute
Lush Ink :: Naked Truth (female) ::  Culebra Unisex Tattoo
10L gift - Corset back tattoo

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Stupid Cupid Hunt

 Lushish Catz has a new upper body tattoo
The Stupid Cupid Hunt 5 (TSCH5)
Starts on Feb. 3rd-28th.
 1L  gift Comes in natural and white version. 
Hint :: Stop looking at yourself!