Friday, June 20, 2014

Lushish Catz @ The Boobies Planet #27

starting June 21st - July 5th at a discount price
BCC is available in blue, pink and coral 
Each outfit comes with the following - White top, MESH mini skirt , Socks , bow and back pack.
Appliers for Lola's Tango, Lush and Slink feet/socks

Lushish Catz @ Summer Fashion Festival

Lushish Catz - is proudly a part of Summer Fashion Festival for the 3rd time!

Starts June 20th till July 6
Exclusive item - Shag TyeDye - Bra top with shorts appliers for Lola's Tango, Phat & Cute Azz
Mesh cap in yellow
$1L Gift Mylie bathing suit  in green  appliers for Lola's Tango, Phat & Cute Azz

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

New group gift

Lushish Catz  - new group gift is now available . 
Tove comes in 2 colors - gold & teal w/appliers for Lola's Tango, Lush, Phat & Cute Azz
Earrings are also included 
There is a $50L fee to join the group [non refundable]
Check past notices for exclusive items sent to group. 

Lushish Catz @ LIKE

Lushish Catz has all new outfit for this round at Like Sales Room Event

Mikie - mini dress -leopard print black and gold w/appliers - L. Tango, Phat & Cute Azz

Nautica - Mini dress- open back pattern front red -  w/appliers - L. Tango, Phat & Cute Azz

Verano - Mesh dresses - Fat pack is just $125L - Demo available 
Available individually for just $35L each dress

Lushish Catz @ The Open Closet

*NEW*  Trina - Black open top with high waist jeans. Appliers for Lola's Tango, Phat and Cute Azz
Discount price for 2 weeks.
Find other great deals at this location by Lushish Catz