Lushish Catz - new exclusive item for Color me project
Event opens on 8/10 theme is black and white
Chasie - outfit includes - blouse, jeans and a mesh jacket.
The mesh jacket comes in sizes small - large , default size, The Mesh Project and a fitted mesh size.
Outfit includes appliers for The Mesh Project, Omega, Slink physique, Maitreya, Venus, Lena Lush, Banned Dae, eBody, Lola's tango and Phat azz
Babydoll - this is not a new lingerie outfit but it is one of my favorites. I decided to update it by adding all new appliers to it. The Mesh Project, Omega, Slink physique, Maitreya, Venus, Lena Lush, Banned Dae, eBody, Lola's tango and Phat azz . It will be on sale 50% off during the event only.